martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Exchange opinions

Tània - Hi Amadeu. Hve you seen these?
Amadeu - No, what are they?
Tània - They're posters for an anti- racism campaign. All the students in the school have to say wich one's best, and why.
Amadeu - Let's see. Mmm. What do you think?
Tània - I can't really decide, but I suppose that one on the left has got a clearer message. Do you agree?
Amadeu - Well, yas and no. It's clear, but it isn't very effective.
Tània - Why's that?
Amadeu - Well, I reckon you should be positiva. For me, the one on the right is trying to be scary.
Tània - Mmm. You might be right there.

Invite someone out

Amadeu - Hi, Tania. I haven't seen you for a a while. How are things?
Tania - Not bad. How are you?
Amadeu- I'm OK. Hey, have you seen that new romantic film yet? It's on at the cinema in town this saturday
Tània - No, I haven't, but I've heard it's brilliant.
Amadeu - I'm going to see it with some friends tomorrow. Do you fancy coming?
Tània - Yeah, OK. That would be great. What time?
Amadeu - I'm not sure. I'll text you, OK?
Tània - All right. See you later then.
Amadeu - Ok. Bye bye nice girl.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Talk about events

Colin - Did I ever tell you about my graduation?
Dean - No, when was that?
Colin - Oh, it was 20 years ago now. I've got some photos.
Dean - Oh, can I see? Were there many people there?
Colin - Oh yes, there were about a hundred of us.
Dean - Did you have a good time?
Colin - Yes, we did. We all had a great time. The best bit was at the end of the event.
Dean - What happened then?
Colin - One person toke the cake, and he threw to her english teacher. It was very funny!!
Dean - That sounds great!